texas only wants christians in the state legislature? really?
The conservative Christian right is getting desperate, and in Texas, their white hoods are peeking out from beneath their Sunday best. According to a Fox News article by Judson Berger, there is a call...
View Articlenew mythology-based fantasy themepark coming to kentucky
A new myth-based fantasy theme park is coming to Kentucky. The park, which will be called Ark Encounter, promises to expose visitors to myths and fantasies that will rival those of Disneyland. The...
View Articlewe were NOT founded as a christian nation: thoughts on article 11 of the u.s....
With Libya continuing to be in the news, I was reminded this morning of one of the earliest treaties the United States ever signed with another nation. (See complete list here.) It is the Treaty of...
View ArticleOn Faith, Freedom of Expression, and the Muslim Brotherhood’s Statement in...
Yesterday, Egypt’s ruling party, the Muslim Brotherhood, released a stern condemnation of a low-budget, poorly produced attempt at religious satire uploaded to YouTube by a coward hiding behind an...
View ArticleOn Taxes, Marriage, and the Poor: Lessons from Luke 3:7-11
Verse of the day: Luke 3:7-11: 7) “John said to the crowds that came out to be baptized by him, ‘You brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the wrath to come? 8) Bear fruits worthy of repentance....
View ArticleGood for Google
Good for Google. “The practice of sport is a human right. Every individual must have the possibility of practicing sport, without discrimination of any kind and in the Olympic spirit, which requires...
View ArticleSo much for the separation of church and state in Iowa
HOW IN THE NAME OF IOWA could Governor Branstad sign this? How is the even a part of the Governor’s duties? The governor of our great state of Iowa recently signed a proclamation calling on the people...
View ArticleProf. Robert Cargill on Iowa Public Radio to Discuss Issues of Separation of...
I’ve been invited to discuss matters pertaining to the separation of church and state on Iowa Public Radio‘s “River to River” with Ben Kieffer tomorrow, Monday, June 2, 2014, from noon to 1pm. We’ll...
View ArticleOn Celebrating “Western Civilization”– a thought in response to Steve King
There are basically two ways to celebrate “western civilization,” the cultural heritage that gave rise to Europe, Russia, the Middle East, parts of North, Central, and South America, Africa, Australia,...
View ArticleThe Museum of the Bible: Why are Archaeologists and Bible Scholars so Mad?
On November 17, 2017, the Museum of the Bible will open in Washington, DC, just south of the national mall. It promises to be the one of the world’s largest collection of biblical manuscripts, offering...
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